Salespanel can track newsletters from almost all commonly used email marketing solutions. All you need to do is to convert regular links to your website from your newsletter campaigns to Salespanel trackable URLs.
Salespanel automatically captures leads and starts tracking them when they click on any tracked URL. The created contacts are also marked with newsletter source to help you segment leads or create reports.
Tracking visitors from MailChimp campaigns:
Activate Salespanel's Mailchimp integration using Mailchimp's API Key. Log into your Mailchimp account and navigate to Account > Extras > API keys. Copy the API key and paste on Mailchimp integration settings from your Salespanel account.
Activate E-commerce link tracking while sending the email campaign and Salespanel will automatically capture and track leads from the campaign.
Tracking visitors from any other email marketing software:
To track visitors from any other email marketing software, URLs from your campaigns that are pointing to your website need to be converted to Salespanel trackable URLs.
Visit the Plugins & Integrations section from your Salespanel account and click the Setting button for Newsletter Tracking. A pop-up window will open where you can convert your URLs. Submit the URL you want to convert and locate the email software you use and copy the converted URL.
Tip: You can just copy the URL suffix and add them to your URLs for quickly converting them. The suffix starts with “?”. For example, if you use ConvertKit, and you want to track, add the string ?utm_source=convertkit&sp_em={{ subscriber.email_address }} at the end of the URL.