Yes. The Salespanel tracking code is a javascript snippet that tracks visitors on your website and captures them. Salespanel stores your data in a highly secured environment. Our services are hosted on Digital Ocean and Amazon Web services. We make sure that strong physical security policies for production and backup data are in place. Details can be found here:
1. Digital Ocean Data Security
2. Amazon Data Security Whitepaper
The tracking code loads asynchronously without affecting the site load speed and only sends the required information. Do not, however, forget to take consent from your visitors for cookies and tracking. If you are already using other tracking software like Google Analytics or if you are using a retargeting pixel, chances are your company already has policies for this. If you need our guidance on consent management, please feel free to talk to us. We would like to share the information available to us.
If you have any questions, please let us know. Salespanel’s GDPR guidelines can be found here. We recommend you to go through it, as it has detailed information about how do we collect the information and process it on behalf of you.